DINCO 投入巨资组建了一支由项目经理、工地主任和现场工程师组成的团队,以提供高质量的全方位施工服务,并确保最严格的工期。
我们有多种类型的工厂和工业厂房的总承包商经验,典型的有:阳光航天零部件厂、海派家具制造加工厂、GROZ-BECKERT Vietnam、Amann 缝纫线厂、东亚钢厂
DINCO 投入巨资组建了一支由项目经理、工地主任和现场工程师组成的团队,以提供高质量的全方位施工服务,并确保最严格的工期。
我们有多种类型的工厂和工业厂房的总承包商经验,典型的有:阳光航天零部件厂、海派家具制造加工厂、GROZ-BECKERT Vietnam、Amann 缝纫线厂、东亚钢厂
为了服务这些项目,DINCO 投入巨资购买专业机械设备,如塔式起重机、笼式起重机、脚手架系统、模板、运输车和混凝土泵。
DINCO承建的典型土建工程有:日和花园大厦豪华公寓、辉煌酒店、Ala Carte酒店、东亚大学、Liberty Central酒店...
DINCO 还拥有执行交通和基础设施项目的经验。
为了最好地服务于这些类型的项目,Dinco 投资并拥有各种机械,例如挖掘机、推土机、压路机、平地机; 用于平整工程的自卸卡车。 此外,Dinco还拥有许多其他专业设备来服务于疏浚、堤防等特定工作。
DINCO 执行了许多交通和基础设施项目,如 多福 Daewon Cantavil国际新城项目;和春污水处理厂的工程基础设施和附属设施; 锦丽桥南部住宅区、 DT602路线安置区、 Massda Land工程基础设施和交通工程,和庆 工业区的基础设施和交通工程; 海运 - 濉鸾南部环路基础设施工程等。
Currently, more than 90% of Dinco E&C's Clients come from leading industrialized countries such as the US, Germany, Belgium, Japan, China, Korea, Singapore, etc. Therefore, we believe we can understand the culture and have the ability to interact well with Clients.
"We are very pleased with the activities taking place on the construction site at Da Nang Hi-tech park. We highly appreciate the construction capacity of Dinco in accordance with the original plan of the investor when not only the progress but also the quality and safety are carried out very well on site."
"I am very pleased that Happy has maintained a long-term friendly cooperative relationship with Dinco. Dinco is a company that focuses on reputation and quality. I believe that under your leadership, Dinco will have more strong and brilliant developments in the future."
"And then how they approach the issue of an old construction and how they offer the solution to us. And throughout the work, they kind of well organized, an organization, and then designing teams to scale and then their performance and research has been give us a very good image of Dinco"
"And there you're really good and also see the fast reaction often the good quality you provided. So actually, what you promised, you committed to this. We will really have a good discussion, good progress, also during the process and in the end we are very happy with it."