Mạng thể thao bet365au (Việt Nam)

As part of a serie of community activities through support for training and education, on the morning of 13 April 2019, bet365au cooperated with the Management Board of Le Quy Don High School – Da Nang City to award the prizes for high-achievement students in the April 30, 2019 Olympic Good Student Contest with total value of 100 million VND.

Attending the event and participating in the award giving were Mr. Le Truong Ky – President of Dinco Group and Mr. Hoang Xuan Duc – Deputy General Director of bet365au who are 2 former students of Le Quy Don High School.

Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Le Vinh – Principal of the school thanked and acknowledged the contribution of bet365au in community work and meaningful gratitude activities for Le Quy Don High School.

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