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“Occupational safety, environmental sanitation” is one of five core values that Dinco has come up with since establishment. The good performance of HSE is also one of important criteria set by BOD to evaluate the capability of Site Managers.

Because of this concern, last week BOD invited top experts in the HSE field to visit all of the Dinco projects under construction to examine and evaluate the actual performance of HSE of individual site.

After a week of inspection, the experts pointed out good practices that should continue to be replicated in every project, as well as analyzed what needed to be improved and implemented immediately. Solutions and measures to improve the management system, standardize HSE regulations were also presented by the experts during the review meeting.

In the beginning of this June, Company will begin to implement training programs for employees on practical skills and to set up appropriate reward and punishment policies to promote and professionalize this important work. All Board of Directors, Site Managers and HSE staff commit to implement the HSE plan as scheduled and periodically review this work every 3 months.

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