Mạng thể thao bet365au (Việt Nam)

On the morning of 25 November 2018, bet365au held the Topping out ceremony for “LIBERTY CENTRAL HOTEL” proejct

At the ceremony, Mr. Pham Ngoc Chinh – Director of Pham Ngan Nhi One Member Co., Ltd. – Owner of “LIBERTY CENTRAL HOTEL” project highlt appreciated the continuous efforts of  bet365au General Contractor’s employees who successfully completed and ensured the project on schedule and technical requirements.

With the number of 600.000 hours of construction without labor accidents, “LIBERTY CENTRAL HOTEL” is a project that bet365au invested in HSSE work in order to enhance the thinking of Vietnamese people on labor safety issues in the construction work.

The topping out of “LIBERTY CENTRAL HOTEL” project, once again, shows the strength of bet365au General Contractor in conquering large-scale projects.

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