Mạng thể thao bet365au (Việt Nam)

In the early spring sunshine, hundreds of DINCO workers and engineers are working on a construction site of 400,000 m2 to build a factory with unprecedented scale and international stature: the Steel Wire and Steel Cord Manufacturing Factory of Bekaert Viet Nam – Dung Quat.

Construction of the project, invested by NV Bekaert SA from the Kingdom of Belgium, takes place between 2019 and 2021 with bet365au being the general contractor of Design and Build.

Contract Signing Ceremony in September 2019

With nearly 40% of the construction time left, the Management Board of the Project has completed various items on schedule. Despite heavy weather conditions, the workers have shown real dedication in getting the job done in time.

DINCO’s efforts to maintain high standards of safety, quality, progress and environmental sanitation have been highly appreciated by Bekaert.

The construction site will be handed over to be put in operation by Bekaert in early 2021.

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